Shelter Ukrainian refugees

The Netherlands is playing a significant role in the shelter of refugees from Ukraine. Haarlemmermeer Municipality also offers shelter to Ukrainians. On this page you find information on what is happening and how you yourself can support Ukrainians.

Instruction text: Please be vigilant. Most people can be trusted, but there are some individuals who do not have your best interest in mind. Only hand over important documents to parties you can reasonably trust. Such as government officials, healthcare professionals or police. Please contact the police via +31 900 8844 if you suspect someone is being taken advantage of.

Where can I find information in Ukrainian?

Go to Прийом українських вимушених переселенців to read this information in Ukrainian.

If you think any essential information is missing, please send an e-mail to (team Asiel).

How does our municipality shelter refugees?

Ukrainian refugees have been provided with shelter at different locations in the municipality. To do so, we work closely together with, among others, Regionale Instelling Beschermd Wonen Kennemerland/Amstelland en Meerlandenexterne-link-icoon (Regional Institution Sheltered Housing Kennemerland/Amstelland and Meerlanden - RIBW K/AM) and the Veiligheidsregio Kennemerlandexterne-link-icoon (Safety Region Kennemerland).

Can I take refugees in myself?

Yes, you can. You can find more information about this on the website of the Rijksoverheidexterne-link-icoon (National Government). Among others about how to offer shelter. Or about resources for refugees in areas such as healthcare and education.

Are you currently offering shelter to Ukrainians, but are you no longer able to do so? Then you can refer these Ukrainian citizens to the municipality. We will then try to offer them accommodation at a municipal shelter. This can be a location in the entire Kennemerland region. It is not possible to indicate a preference for a certain location in the region.

Do I receive a compensation fee if I offer shelter to refugees?

No compensation is offered for offering shelter.

Can refugees register with municipality?

Ukrainian refugees, who are staying with residents of Haarlemmermeer Municipality, need to make an appointment themselves to be registered in the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP - Key Register of Persons). Call 0900 1852 to make an appointment to register. Refugees who are temporarily staying in a municipal shelter will be offered help with their registration. To do so, they can contact the staff at the location.

Ukrainian refugees need to provide the following documents when registering with the BRP:

  1. International passport or national pasport/identitycard with translation, unless readable in English.
  2. Written permission or official registration at the address at which they, at that moment, are staying. This can either be at the address of a resident of Haarlemmermeer or a municipal shelter.

Highlighted text: Do you not have a passport or a source document? Then check the website of Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevensexterne-link-icoon (National Office for Identity Data). You can also find further information about registering Ukrainians in the BRP here.

Highlighted text: If registered Ukrainians relocate within Haarlemmermeer, it is important to inform the municipality of this move. The municipality also needs to be informed when they move abroad.

Do refugees need to apply for asylum?

No. Ukrainian citizens fall under the European Richtlijn Tijdelijke Bescherming (RTB) Oekraïneexterne-link-icoon (Directive Temporary Protection Ukraine). This means they are entitled to shelter and medical care. 4 weeks after registering for the BRP, Ukrainian refugees need to report to the IND. This is where they pick up their residence certificate. Here, it is also checked whether they meet the conditions for RTB. This is important for legitimate shelter and facilities such as living allowance, care and accommodation.

Highlighted text: In some cases, some may need to (or possibly at a later stage) apply for asylum.

I am a healthcare professional. What can I do?

Healthcare professionals can claim expenses if they provide care to Ukrainian refugees. This is arranged in the Arrangement Medical Care displaced people from Ukraine (RMO). How this works can be found on the website of the National Government (Rijksoverheidexterne-link-icoon).

You can offer necessary medical care to Ukrainian refugees who do not have a Social Security Number (BSN). You can claim expenses for the cost for this care. Read more about this on the website of the Central Administration Office externe-link-icoon(CAK).

What else can I do to help?

Become a volunteer

You can help Ukrainian refugees as a volunteer. On the website Haarlemmermeervoorelkaar.nlexterne-link-icoon, you can offer help and ask questions. You can also offer your help via Vluchtelingenwerkexterne-link-icoon, RefugeeHelpexterne-link-icoon or the Red Crossexterne-link-icoon.


There is a variety of aid organisations to which you can make a donation such as:

Do Ukrainian refugees receive a living allowance?

A national agreement has been made so that refugees from Ukraine can receive a living allowance. With it, they can purchase items such as clothing and food. You can read more about this on the webpage Werk en inkomen voor vluchtelingen uit Oekraïneexterne-link-icoon of the National Government (Rijksoverheid).

Refugees staying at the  home of a Haarlemmermeer resident, can apply for a living allowance via In order to be eligible they need to be registered in the BRP. Refugees staying at a municipal shelter, will be offered information about the living allowance at that location. They also need to be registered in the BRP. 

The living allowance is paid out, as much as possible, on a Dutch bank account. Ukrainians need to open this bank account themselves.

When will the living allowance be discontinued?

The living allowance for Ukrainian refugees is discontinued when they:

  • Become employed.
  • Rent or buy a property.
  • Move to another municipality.
  • Move abroad.


When Ukrainians are in employment, the living allowance for the entire family is discontinued. They can then support themselves with their own income. Children over 18 and grandparents are seen as individual people or separate families. If they are not employed, they are entitled to a living allowance. Children under the age of 18 are allowed to have a part-time job. This doesn’t influence the living allowance of the entire family. 

It is important for the municipality to know when Ukrainian refugees are entering employment. They need to report this by sending an e-mail to Failing to report this can have consequences. They may, for example be asked to pay back the living allowance.

Ukrainians renting or buying a property

When Ukrainians rent or buy a property, the living allowance is discontinued. From that moment on they are able to live of their own income.

It is important that the municipality is aware of changes in the housing situation, living situation and family status. Ukrainian refugees need to report these changes by sending an e-mail to

Do Ukrainian refugees pay a contribution for staying in a shelter?

From the 1st of January 2025, Ukrainians in Haarlemmermeer who are staying in a municipal shelter and who earn their own income need to pay a contribution. This money is used to cover the facilities that the municipality arranges for the shelter. The personal contribution consist of 2 parts: 1 part for gas, water and electricity and another part for food, if this is provided in the municipal shelter. This contribution also needs to be paid if the refugee is not always making use of the food on offer.

The following counts as own income: 

  • Wages from work (also when earned abroad).
  • Unemployement benefit (WW).
  • Illness – or disability benefits.
  • Allowances (TW).

Ukrainians who have little or no income, can report this with the municipality.

For questions or to pass on data or changes, Ukrainians can contact the municipality via

Are Ukrainian refugees allowed to work here?

Ukrainians are allowed to work in the Netherlands if they have a social security number (BSN).

The municipality has different ways of helping residents find employment. On the page for job seekersexterne-link-icoon you can find organisations who can help people seeking employment.

More information about work and income for Ukrainian refugees can be found on the website of the National Governmentexterne-link-icoon.

Can Ukrainian children go to school here?

Yes. Children from abroad can be registered at the het Onderwijsmeldpunt (Education contact point). This applies  to children between 2,5 and 18 years old who need to learn the Dutch language.

Stichting Kinderopvang Haarlemmermeer (SKH - Foundation Childcare Haarlemmermeer), Stichting Meer Primair and Internationale Schakelklas (ISK) arrange childcare and education in the municipality.

It depends on the age where children will go:

Children from 0 to 4

Stichting Kinderopvang Haarlemmermeerexterne-link-icoon (SKH – Foundation Childcare Haarlemmermeer) offers educational childcare. Here, toddlers from 2 to 4 learn the Dutch language in a playful manner. This is not free of charge. Childcare is also available for babies and toddlers from 0 to 2. For further information you can call customer service at SKH via 023 567 2020.

Children from 4 to 12

At Stichting Meer Primairexterne-link-icoon, children from 4 to 12 can get international language classes (ITK) at kindcentrum Wereldwijsexterne-link-icoon (Childcentre Worldwise). Here, children learn the Dutch language step-by-step. They are also offered challenging subjects such as maths, reading, world orientation, music and gymnastics.


  • IKC Wereldwijs, Graan voor Visch 14.402, Hoofddorp.
Children from 12 to 18

Children between 12 and 18 can enter the internationale schakelklasexterne-link-icoon (ISK – International transition class) of the Hoofdvaart College. Here, the youngsters learn Dutch. They are also offered subjects such as English, citizenship, sports and art.


  • ISK Haarlemmermeer, Hammarskjöldstraat 226, Hoofddorp.

Where do I find further information about the situation in Ukraine?

On the Rijksoverheid externe-link-icoon(National Government) page you can find further information about the war and the national safety in the Netherlands. But you will also find information about fake news.